Saturday, December 09, 2006

Silhouettes and warriors

Now, Giles and I haven't seen eye-on-eye regarding his 07Spring ready-to-wear collection, because truly, I can't believe anyone but the very coked-out designer would think that wearing a giant piece of fur in the shape of an egg will somehow flattered anyone. I know couture isn't supposed to be practical and all, but come on now.

Well, perusing the UK Vogue website, I came across some 80's dresses. This particilar one by Giles makes me forgive him a little about his bad judgements:

Now, maybe if it didn't have the wonky 90's padded shoulders, I could proclaim my totally love for it. Because, let's face it, with some trends (particularly the padded shoulders--I know it's socially significant, and all), but it's bad enough to suffer through them once.

By Georgio Armani:It's... so... 80's! But I'm drawn to the skirt. It's purple... with polka dots. And I love it. It's a bit far-out... but it's so striking! Although it would look a lot better with a good solid-coloured jacket. Say... in black.

You've got your Urban Warrior, by Underground:
I know that some high end fashion designers pride themselves on being creators of something so artistic and avant-garde that the normal masses would never aspire to don their designs (not even getting into the astronomical costs that makes designer clothes out of the reach of most people).

But walking downtown, I continuously see cyclists and pedestrians covered head-to-toe, with only their eyes peaking out, materials wrapping their heads.

It's not to mirror any fashion trends - the covered faces are to protect themselves from the vicious wind. But when you look at them, they do resemble the urban warrior - eyes squinting, determined to get to their destinations, battling traffic and impulsive drivers. The headwear is black and stretchy, the shoes are scuffed white sneakers, the jeans corduroy and in ill-budding colours, but on some contrasting level, they do relate.

UK Vogue


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